Sunday, February 17, 2008

OC100K quick update

I will do a formal race report later on when I have a chance. This is just a quick update.

I got to the finish as one piece in 11h 35min or something like that. I did better the first 50K in about 5h 7min, but had to pay for my enthusiasm later :)

I avoided injuries and any major blisters, but my legs ache a lot right now, and the cold I caught earlier this week kinda got worse after the race.

I met a lot of great people there. As we were running the same course back and forth the human component of the race was a completely unique experience for me. This is why this race deserves a better recap than that. I will post it within the next couple of days.


Jessica DeLine said...

Congrats! Can't wait to hear more.

Unknown said...

dude, i can't believe you did the orange curtain. i like your slogan for the race "mind's misery." reminds me of a post by octr member nattie from a year ago. see

hope your legs, as well as mind, are recovering nicely. congrats!

Olga said...

Dude, you finished that boring loopy asphalt thing in one piece - congrats! Of course your legs ache! Now get your ass into a cold bath:)

Anonymous said...

Very impressive you pulled this one through. 60 bloody miles on pavement??? Congratulations - looking forward to your story already.